The perfectly imperfect Love #Lifestyle

Unknown | 12:10 pm | 0 comments

by Tola Olowolafe,
Love is perfect but your lover is not. Romance and anything romantic will forever be sizzling and pleasant but your relationship, your courtship and your marriage is not all about romance and because of that it will not always be sizzling and pleasant. The foolishness of immature lovers is their expectation of a perfect love and a perfect lover. that is not going to be possible in this imperfect world. Even if by the biggest stroke of good fortune you fall in love with a perfect heavenly angel, your relationship will still experience imperfections because of your own shortcomings.
The lovely romantic movies you've seen, the hot romantic novels you've peruse and the beautiful, all smiling couples you do see at the parks and in the church only gives you one side of the coin of what to expect in a relationship and you would be utterly misled to believe that there is just one side to a coin and that that's all there is to a relationship. So what should you expect from a relationship? Expect the kind of love that suffers long (patient and enduring ) but don't expect a man or a woman that will always be patient with you because as humans there will be times and there will be situations that will tend to cause one to be impatient.
Expect the kind of Love that keeps no record of wrongs but don't do the mistake of expecting a lover who will do no wrong. Expect the kind of love that does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, it is beneficial to expect a lover who would not delight in evil but don't expect such lover to always be in the right at all times. So many potential perfect love stories have ended in tragedy because of how the lovers have viewed and responded to their imperfections. If being in love is a perfect thing then the idea of "working at it" should be false, after all something perfect needs no improvements and adjustments but that's false notion to have about "being in love".
And this is where the attributes of love comes in, the perfect love ought to complement the imperfect Lover. For example when the imperfect lover transgress and as a result do wrong the perfect love should respond by keeping no record of wrongdoing, by not being easily angered and by being forgiving. When the imperfect lover becomes impatient and irritating the perfect love should respond with patience and perseverance. When the imperfect lover becomes rude and unkind that's when the perfect love should be kind and not rude. Reconciling the perfect love and the imperfect lover in a relationship is a continuous task and that is what it means to "work" at a relationship. The most important thing is to find that imperfect lover that deserves your perfect love.
... you can reach Tola on twitter


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