Is School Still The Right Way? #Lifestyle
by Tola Olowolafe
Schools nowadays seem to be producing financial handicaps just at the same rate as they are producing graduates. I found myself thinking about what it takes to be financially accomplished and actually create wealth (by the way am tired of the recently popular lucrative business of motivational speakers and authors. I wonder whether they address the right issues).
I am forced to investigate the plight of the ever increasing number of College/University graduates who are either unemployed or under-employed. The situation seems to pose this question: Is Schooling still the right way in this time and age? In answering this question, I realize that Schooling actually plays a very limited role if not totally insignificant in wealth creation today.
For crying out loud We are in the Information Age! One would think Education should be the Core of Success rather, Schooling has become an overrated "tradition" which the society must conform to. Maybe we can rescue the situation by posing another question: Is Education today relevant for today's world? Its amazing to know that the world is gradually succeeding without School. Let us make a note that every Age has its own dynamics and means of survival,you can ask the medieval man or the pre-civilization man.
There lived a time when organized Education in a School system was the means for human survival. Those years when College certificate was god. I think those times have ended. The world has moved into a society of Radical Independent Visionaries who thirst for landmark and I know that organized school system cannot quench this thirst.
This breed of visionaries are the "first" and they are fiercely driven. They want to lead the way in accomplishments by methods of independent freedom. I am not saying the world has never had Visionaries, no, not at all. What I am saying is this; the millennial society is producing "entrevisionaries" - those with vision to manifest as Entrepreneurs.
Fifty years ago, a College degree will put a person in an enviable position in the society as well as a matching lifestyle. Today, the reverse is the case; ask a Microsoft or Facebook staff with an ivy league certificate if perhaps I just told a white lie.
Am I against education? Hell No! It only seem that nowadays, the Television, Magazines, Internet, Google, iPad, iPhone, Blackberry and Hollywood is doing more of educating than my textbooks. I think the present system of schooling worldwide is not doing enough to feed this generation with the dynamic and unique hunger for Information it has. I am not too narrow in my thinking to forget the need for scientists like Engineers and Doctors who have to go to school but we do still have poor Doctors and Engineers out there that cannot pay their bills. Like I said this is just my thought. By the way I am a Law student! I love my course of study, I am not some bitter unemployed graduate. Nevertheless, is school still the right way or has it become a "traditional" way of earning prestige without actually bringing enough food to the table?
..more from Tola, visit his site
Category: Lifestyle